
Showing posts from February, 2023

Is Gum Recession A Common Dental Problem?

  Gum recession is the process through which the gum tissue that surrounds the teeth wears down or pulls back, revealing more of the tooth or root. Gum recession is the process wherein the gums pull back from the teeth. It leaves "pockets" or places quickly for disease-causing bacteria to collect. According to Dental Office Houston Tx , if severe damage to the teeth's supporting tissue and bone structures goes untreated, it may eventually result in tooth loss.   Dental conditions, including gum recession, are common. Gum recession is progressive; thus, most people are unaware they have it. You must take action to address the issue of gum recession. If you think your gums are receding, immediately make an appointment with your dentist at Dental Clinics In Houston . Some dental treatments can fix the gums and prevent further damage.   How would periodontists treat gum recession?   Your LANAP dentist near me may treat mild gum recession by thoroughly cleaning the af

How Does The LANAP Procedure Work?

  Traditional gum surgery is a tale of the old times. With a laser-assisted new attachment procedure (LANAP), your LANAP periodontist near me will use a laser to target and remove decayed or infected tissue. You dont need to be concerned about scalpels and painful gum tissue. Instead, LANAP offers a far less invasive procedure with faster recovery times.   How does LANAP take place?   Your medical specialist at Laser Dental Clinic Near Me w ill probe your gums to establish the degree of therapy required for each tooth. They have a laser that blasts the harmful microorganisms that cause infections. After removing disease-causing tartar with ultrasonic scalers and other tools, the gum tissue is once more connected to the root using a laser.   To further inhibit the development of new tartar, grind down a portion of the tooth. According to Houston Dental Clinic , one session of three to four hours can treat your mouth. Most patients don't even need painkillers to resume regul

What Do You Know About Gingivectomy Procedure?

  The diseased tissue and gums are removed during a procedure known as a gingivectomy. Doctors at Dental Offices In Houston suggest it minimizes the risk of additional infection, pain, and bleeding. Another reason to get a gingivectomy is cosmetic reasons.   A gingivectomy dentist near me usually performs this procedure to treat severe gingivitis, in which germs invade the gum tissue and cause inflammation. Other individuals, however, can want a gingivectomy for cosmetic reasons. An altered smile and gum line may result from a gingivectomy.   Who is an ideal candidate for a gingivectomy procedure?   People with gingivitis make excellent candidates for gingivectomy near me . People with this condition frequently develop germs that cause plaque. Tartar or calculus forms when plaque is not removed over time. The gum enlarges, and the tooth's attachment becomes floppy. Once calculus has progressed, brushing and flossing are no longer effective at removing it, frequently resulti