
Showing posts from March, 2022

What Does LANAP Surgery Do?

 Every one of you should be worried in the first instance if you have been diagnosed with advanced periodontitis, also called gum disease. Gum disease leads to several undesirable signs which may leave you feeling self-confident and worried about the future. Not only for the smile but also the overall health. Surprisingly, it is fast and easy to treat gum diseases with LANAP surgery .   With the  Laser-assisted new attachment procedure, you would also see a dentist or periodontist, who receives the treatment and gets back to life with almost no interruption in regular life. Before committing to this process, one needs to be very careful and understand what periodontal laser surgery  is, and how it would work. Read on more to know everything about this. What is LANAP? LANAP full form is the laser-assisted new attachment process, which is an advanced periodontal laser treatment with the use of laser technology. The patients seeking LANAP treatment often receive LANAP when their per

What Are The Stages Of Gum Disease?

 Gum disease is an infection of tissues that carry the teeth in place. This happens because of the poor oral dental health that lets the tartar and plaque develop the teeth and harden. If it is left uncured then the results will severely damage the jaw that assists your teeth. This is one of the most common problems that occur because of tooth loss in adults. Many different stages are there for gum disease from moderate to advanced. The dentists at the dental office Houston Tx will deliver both surgical and non-surgical treatments for your gum disease. Read on more to learn everything about gum diseases. What are the symptoms of gum disease? Gum disease Houston  many a time is silent, which means the signs do not appear in an advanced stage of the gum disease. The most common signs or symptoms include-   Mouth pain Teeth loss Bad breath Sores in mouth Receding gums Swollen, red, and tender gums Teeth separation Change in bite Pus in your mouth and gums Bleeding while fl

Is Gingivectomy Permanent?

  As per the American dental association, almost half of the population is suffering from periodontal diseases. Without preventing the gum diseases, or taking proper care after the diagnosis, patients might form gum diseases that lead to tooth loss. The Gingivectomy Near Me is conducted to cure the effect of periodontal diseases or to correct gum situations including the structure of the teeth. This is one of the processes which assists in the reversal of periodontal issues. To learn more about this process, read the entire article.  What is a gingivectomy? It is a surgical procedure that is used to extract the gum tissue or gingiva. Gingivectomy Houston Tx is utilized to treat situations like gingivitis. Further, it is also used to eliminate the extra gum tissues for cosmetic purposes. For example, to modify the smile.  How is a gingivectomy performed? The surgery of the gingivectomy is done with a surgical scalpel. However, in some cases, a low-frequency laser would be used

How Do You Get Rid Of Gingivitis?

  In today’s era, around 50% of the population is suffering from dental problems. And one of the most common among them is gingivitis. Many a time it would not cause any problems, but sometimes it spread among the other parts of the body. The medical term inflammation of the periodontium is periodontitis. By that time periodontitis may happen to the loose teeth. Good oral health helps to prevent the signs of gingivitis. The proper cleaning of the teeth is the best treatment done by a Memorial City Dentist or at least slow down the progress of periodontitis. Further, it is vital to hold on to have the proper care of the teeth after having treatment, to avoid periodontitis from getting the situation worse.  What is gingivitis? It is an inflammation of the gums, commonly occurred by bacterial infection. When left untreated, it can lead to a serious infection known as periodontitis. Periodontitis and gingivitis are the two main causes of tooth loss in adults, as per the American Den

Is Gum Regeneration Possible After Gum Disease?

  When the gums become healthy, the tissue works snugly against the neck of the teeth, facilitating protective support and seal to your teeth. Although if the gum disease attacks, then the tissue starts swelling and irritates. The tissue starts to tear away from the teeth, permitting bacteria to fall below the gum line. As gum disease advances, the tissue constantly falls away from the teeth. This is the beginning to die off, causing the gum recession. It will enhance the risk of cavities and would lead to painful tooth sensitivity, and also have a severe effect on your smile. The dentists will help you in return back to the healthy and beautiful gum line with the Gum Regeneration Houston. What is gum regeneration? It is the procedure that helps in designing the receding gum line. Next, the collagen strips are put in the pouch. That pouch permits the gum to softly put back where it is from, protecting the root of the teeth.  This collagen will hold the gum in place and encourage t

What Does LANAP Surgery Do?

  Every one of you should be worried in the first instance if you have been diagnosed with advanced periodontitis, also called gum disease. Gum disease leads to several undesirable signs which may leave you feeling self-confident and worried about the future. Not only for the smile but also the overall health. Surprisingly, it is fast and easy to treat gum diseases with LANAP surgery .  With the  Laser-assisted new attachment procedure, you would also see a dentist or periodontist, who receives the treatment and gets back to life with almost no interruption in regular life. Before committing to this process, one needs to be very careful and understand what periodontal laser surgery is, and how it would work. Read on more to know everything about this.  What is LANAP? LANAP full form is the laser-assisted new attachment process, which is an advanced periodontal laser treatment with the use of laser technology. The patients seeking LANAP treatment often receive LANAP when their p