
Showing posts from June, 2022

What Is The Use Of Laser In Gingivectomy?

  ​ Dentists use laser technology for this procedure, as a gingivectomy does not involve altering the contour of the hard tissues. The advantages of using a laser in comparison with a scalpel are considerable. The procedure is far more accessible for the patient to tolerate, and healing is likely quicker, with fewer complications. Dentists complete the process under a local anesthetic and use a highly focused laser beam to reshape the gum tissue. One benefit of dental lasers is that laser decontamination can help eradicate left bacteria in the sulcus area. It allows the development of far better healing conditions for the patient. This can significantly help to lessen the chances of periodontal disease recurring. How does it work? In cases of advanced periodontal disease, the diseased gum tissue is likely to have pulled away from the gums creating pockets of infection. A gingivectomy will reshape the diseased gum tissue, helping lessen or eliminate the pockets between the teeth. This t

What Do You Expect During Laser Gum Surgery?

  An expert periodontist will put the laser fiber optic at the canopy of the periodontal pocket. Dentists will use the laser light to eliminate the infected gum tissue without losing a healthy one and to remove the germs from the periodontal pocket. Once they clean the gum pocket, they put the laser aside. After that, periodontists use an ultrasonic device to break the tartar and remove & clean it using sound waves. Periodontists reintroduce the laser light into the gum pocket to clean the bottom and remove the bacterial substances. Moreover, the laser also helps to sterilize the tissue and bone and revive the growth of blood clots. With the formation of blood clots, treated spots start healing quickly, and you will notice the reattachment of gum tissue to the tooth. You won't require to have stitches. Visit a nearby dentist to have laser periodontal therapy Houston . How much does laser gum surgery cost? Laser surgery cost depends on various factors, including patients&

What Are The Vital Facts To Know About LANAP Dental Procedure?

  We get a lot of questions from our gum disease patients regarding the LANAP technology we use and how it compares to more traditional therapies. How effective is LANAP dental procedure?   The term "Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure" refers to how laser therapy facilitates the attachment of healthy gum tissue to bone in your jaw and mouth. That's critical in the treatment of periodontal disease, or gum disease, since as the condition progresses, sections of your gums get infected, causing damage to the natural attachments and loosening of your teeth. If you want to gather more information about LANAP Dental Procedure , schedule an appointment with your dentist. What is the effectiveness of the LANAP dental procedure?   In many situations, reversing this condition after periodontal treatment requires a significant amount of time and relies on spontaneous gum healing. When we utilize LANAP to help with gum disease therapy, the laser stimulates healthy gum tis

What Do You Know About The Treatment Process For Receding Gums?

  Gum recession treatment depends on underline causes which may not require surgery. Some of the effective receding gums treatment options are   Scaling And Root Planing   A dentist may propose scaling and root planning as the first treatments for receding gums. The dentist removes the harmful Plaque and tartar from below the gum line, where regular brushing cannot reach. A dental specialist removes Plaque and tartar from the roots of teeth during root planing. After that, a dentist will smooth the roots with particular devices, allowing the gums to reconnect to the tooth.   Gum Graft Treatment   If a person's gums have receded significantly, a dentist may recommend gum graft surgery (GGS). A surgeon will utilize a tiny amount of gum tissue elsewhere in the mouth to conceal the exposed tooth roots during GGS.   Gum recession surgery aids in the prevention of bone loss and gum recession. It can also prevent deterioration of previously exposed tooth roots.   Proper De